Evaluate your current Digital Strategy

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Does your company have a Digital Marketing Strategy? Do you even know what a Digital Marketing Strategy is and more importantly do you care?

If not, fill in the simple form above right and let’s sort that out for you.

First of all, we firmly believe in growth through education and here at Maximum Net Gain this is really what we do; Educate clients.

Second of all, we believe you should care. You should care a whole lot about digital marketing – if you are not putting together a digital marketing strategy and looking to execute on it. Your business will struggle to still be around in 2-4 years time. That’s not scaremongering. That’s just the truth.

We believe that a Digital Marketing Strategy should sit side by side with your offline marketing strategy and be an integral part of your overall business strategy. But where do you start right? You are already really busy executing on social, PPC, SEO and a load of content creation?

But for all of time you are spending on the likes of Facebook and Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter, how much payback are you seeing for that investment? What difference is being so busy on social media making to your company’s bottom line?

Without a Digital Marketing Strategy it’s actually quite hard to answer these questions and yet the answers to these questions are the foundation of your business and it’s future proofing.

At Maximum Net Gain we believe in growth through education.

We want to help transfer some of our knowledge into your company, to help you develop a Digital Strategy that will allow your company to take best advantage of the internet. We will take you three step process to help you

  • A) identify where you are online. what have you got in place already?
  • B) help you to establish your goals online. What do you need to actually provide your customers from your online presence? And
  • C) we will help you put together the action plan that will get you from A to B. Without the Digital Strategy in place, and the 12 pieces of the online jigsaw (see below) taken care of. It’s like getting into a car and starting a journey, with no destination in mind and no map to get there. Sounds like it could be a waste of time right?

The Digital Marketing Jigsaw

To break it down a little further, the elements divide themselves into the following:

  • direct response website,
  • on page SEO,
  • off page SEO,
  • PPC,
  • SEM,
  • social media marketing,
  • viral video marketing,
  • twitter,
  • YouTube,
  • social bookmarking,
  • email marketing,
  • autoresponders
  • and more…

To further understand how all this pieces fit together to provide you with an all encompassing Digital Strategy that fits under your overall marketing strategy, just fill out the two fields above right and we will be in touch with you to arrange a convenient time to speak further about your requirement.

Don’t worry if you are not based in the UAE, we can still do this via the wonders of technology – namely Skype. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

And if you don’t want to even type, just leave me a voicemail direct from this site. Press the button below and talk. I’ll pick it up and respond.